Example Project Experience

Phosphorous Handling, Recovery and Wastewater Treatment Pilot Project, Chemical Industry.

For large international chemical company served as on-site project engineer during planning, design, testing, construction and operation of pilot project for recovery of elemental phosphorous from waste sludges at a former elemental phosphorous facility in Tennessee. Was part of team responsible for developing phosphorous recovery and wastewater treatment processes at the pilot plant level for later use on a full scale plant. Responsible for design, testing and reporting of sludge delivery and handling systems (screens, crushers, dredges, washers, etc.) and associated air pollution control equipment, as well as directing work crews associated with equipment setup and operations.

Risk Consultant, Voluntary Remediation Program, Former Petroleum Facility

For national consulting firm provided fate and transport, risk and site assessment consulting during party characterization, remediation and risk assessment.

Risk Consultant, Voluntary Remediation Program, Former Glass Manufacturing Facility

For national consulting firm provided fate and transport, risk and site assessment consulting during party characterization, remediation and risk assessment.

Risk Consultant, Voluntary Remediation Program, Former Railroad Facility

For national consulting firm provided fate and transport, risk and site assessment consulting during party characterization, remediation and risk assessment.

Risk Consultant, Voluntary Remediation Program, Former Petroleum Bulk Facility

For local property owner (municipal sanitary board) provided fate and transport, risk and site assessment consulting during 3rd party characterization, remediation and risk assessment.

Risk Assessor, Voluntary Remediation Program, Former Tannery

For local owner, conducted preliminary and final risk characterization and assessment.

Risk Assessor, Voluntary Remediation Program, Former Glass Manufacturer

For local government owner, conducted preliminary and final risk characterization and assessment.

Voluntary Remediation Program, Petroleum Bulk Facility

For local owner, conducted preliminary and final risk characterization and assessment.

Voluntary Remediation Program, Natural Gas Extraction Plant

For major natural gas supplier, acted as Licensed Remediation Specialist at a site with groundwater and soil contaminated by organic compounds that were impacting an adjacent stream. In accordance with WV Voluntary Remediation Program, conducted site investigation and characterization, evaluated fate and transport, developed the conceptual site model, conducted preliminary risk characterization and assessment, and developed remedy evaluation, selection and design.

Voluntary Remediation Program, Municipal Site Development

For a municipal government economic development project, acted as Project Manager for a site in which organic compounds were encountered during construction. In accordance with WV Voluntary Remediation Program, conducted site investigation and characterization, evaluated fate and transport, developed the initial conceptual site model, and conducted preliminary risk characterization and assessment.

Voluntary Remediation Program, Resort Development

For a nationally recognized resort conducting multiple expansion projects, acted as Project Engineer for a site that had organic and inorganic contamination in multiple areas. In accordance with WV Voluntary Remediation Program, conducted site investigation and characterization, evaluated fate and transport, developed the preliminary conceptual site model, and assisted with preliminary risk characterization and assessment.

Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Printing Industry

For major manufacturer of business forms conducted property transaction Phase I assessments of active printing facilities in Ohio and Virginia, and prepared reports detailing concerns and findings.

Stormwater Manual, LDAR Program, Chemical Industry

For chemical blending facility developed stormwater NPDES permit compliance manual, trained facility personnel on stormwater compliance. For facility air pollution permit requirements, developed leak detection and repair program.

Construction and Operation Air Pollution Permit, Auto Industry

For major automobile manufacturer, prepared air pollution control permit application for new engine and drive train facility. Conducted reviews of similar facilities, reviewed emission information for over 300 planned emission points and sources, acted as liaison with regulatory agency, assisted with negotiations of permit requirements.

Regulatory Audit/Permitting, Materials Handling Industry

For multiple facilities of company engaging in materials handling, sizing, packaging and shipping by truck, rail and barge of coal and various ores. Conducted facility audits to determine permit and compliance requirements, negotiated with regulatory agencies in Ohio and West Virginia, and prepared air and water permit applications and compliance plans. Prepared Groundwater Protection Plan for WV facility.

Title V Air Permits, Furniture, Mining, Coating

Prepared Title V permit applications for several facilities, including a furniture manufacturer, a limestone crushing/screening operation, and a can coating facility.

Contaminated Soil Removal, Railroad

Prepared bid and managed demolition, soil excavation, removal and backfill project of petroleum contaminated soil for major railroad facility in Indiana. Worked closely with local subcontractors and regulators to successfully complete project quickly and below client cost estimates.

Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Poultry Industry

Completed environmental site assessment for major agro business client of operating poultry processing facility with several satellite facilities in Moorefield, WV.

Industrial Sludge Land Application Plan, Poultry Industry

Completed plan and obtained regulatory approval for land application of industrial wastewater treatment sludge from a poultry processing facility in Moorefield, WV. Developed application rates, crop types and rotation schedule over 138 acre site. Obtained regulatory approval during period of close public scrutiny of poultry industry in watershed.

Sludge Holding Basin Design, Regulatory Approval, Municipal

For City of Charleston, WV, assisted with the development of sludge handling plan that allowed the City to temporarily store wastewater treatment sludges during construction of a new sludge composting facility, saving the city landfilling costs over an 18 month period. Assisted with regulatory negotiations and basin siting and design.

Landfill Construction

Provided construction oversight and quality control for landfill cap repair, storm sewer and toe drain replacement. Worked closely with construction manager and owner to insure specifications and goals were met.

Landfill Leachate Disposal, Municipal Landfill

Over two year period conducted leachate investigations, prepared permit applications, negotiated with municipalities and regulatory agencies for leachate acceptance, conducted investigations and negotiated for innovative permitting strategies, including real-time water quality limits, conducted receiving stream investigations, prepared pre-treatment investigations and system design, assisted in preparation of legal documents to allow for the discharge of landfill leachate to a public wastewater collection system and wastewater treatment plant.

Leachate Treatment System, Municipal Landfill

Developed preliminary design for municipal landfill leachate treatment system for direct discharge to low-flow stream. Designed pilot treatment system for metals removal.

Leachate Treatment System, Municipal Landfill

Investigated compliance violations of constructed wetlands landfill leachate treatment system, provided preliminary design for system upgrades including aeration and recirculating sand filters, represented municipality in public meetings and negotiated with regulatory agencies.

Facility Wastewater Audits, Natural Gas

For major natural gas transmission company conducted multiple facility audits in three states of process wastewater discharges. Developed treatment and permitting strategies as well as flow minimization and elimination designs to reduce or eliminate treatment, disposal and compliance costs.

Corporate NPDES Permitting, Natural Gas

For major natural gas transmission company managed and conducted NPDES permitting services for facilities in eight states. Conducted facility reviews, prepared applications, negotiated with regulatory agencies, insured compliance, prepared facility specific compliance manuals and trained facility personnel. Developed database system to track NPDES compliance of over 300 facilities.

Wastewater Treatment System Design, Natural Gas

For major natural gas transmission company designed replacement for sanitary treatment system that was not maintaining permit compliance. Designed system that eliminated direct discharge by modifying existing plant through the addition of biofilters and a subsurface disposal system, eliminating permit and monitoring requirements.

NPDES Permitting, Treatment System Design, Barge Cleaning

For a chemical and petroleum barge cleaning operation designed parts of the wastewater treatment system, prepared Groundwater Protection Plan, prepared permit application, and prepared draft NPDES permit for the regulatory agency. This significantly decreased the time for permit issuance by reducing much of the permit engineers work.

Benthic Survey, Coal Mining

Conducted watershed benthic survey for state abandoned mine lands regulators. Determined sampling sites, conducted sampling of benthic population, analyzed stream and habitat characteristics.

NPDES Coal Permit, Coal Mining

For a new coal preparation plant prepared the NPDES portion of the coal permit application, assisted with design of stormwater retention basins.

Pre-Treatment Permit, GPP, Coating Industry

For can coating facility, prepared pretreatment application for wastewater discharge to municipal system, prepared modification application for municipality, developed Groundwater Protection Plan, negotiated with municipality and State regulators.